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kalsarpa dosa

effects of kalsarpa dosa

effects of kalsarpa dosa

There is no mention of kalsarpa dosa in sastras and the allegorical references are all coined phrases. The real kalsarpa dosa is clearly mentioned in Praśna granthas and can be deciphered through Praśna chart. It has very bad impact on several factors.

The effects of kalsarpa dosa:

1. kalsarpa dosa will Result in minimum returns in comparison to work efforts.

2. In the kalsarpa dosa  The hard work will not yield proper results.

3. kalsarpa dosa  will also cause Regular instability.

4. Due to the bad effect of kalsarpa dosa  there will general unrest in family.

5. Sometimes due to the bad effect of kalsarpa dosa  Only single sex child will be there in lineage.

6. kalsarpa dosa can cause Unknown disease which cannot be cured specially skin troubles.

7. People will go against despite of good behavior and helpful attitude.

8. kalsarpa dosa effects also causes Poison spilling by colleagues. The effects and remedies are discussed in the video. The Nava naga sukta, Sarpa sukta etc. is mentioned below. The link to Sri Kukke Subramniyam temple and one of the hotels is mentioned below.

Kukke Subramaniyam Temple: https://goo.gl/maps/UKfb5DKdKKvviGQ48 https://g.page/hotel-adithya-nest?share

Nava Naga Mantra: अनंतं वासुकिं शेषं पद्मनाभं च कमवलं। शड्खपालं ध्रुत्राष्ट्रम तक्षकं कालियं तथा।। एतानि नव नामानि नागानां च महात्मनं। सायंकाले पठेन्नित्यं प्रातः काले विशेषतः।। तस्य विषभयं नास्ति सर्वत्र विजयी भवेत्। Sarpa Sukta: ॥ सर्प सुक्तम्॥ नमो अस्तु सर्पेभ्यो ये के च पृथिवीमनु। ये अन्तरिक्षे ये दिवि तेभ्यः सर्पेब्यो नमः॥ येऽदोरोचेन दिवो ये वा सुर्यस्य रश्मिषु। येषामप्सु सदः कृतं तेभ्यः सर्पेभ्यो नमः॥ या इषवो यातुधानानां ये वा वनस्पति (गुं) रनु। ये वाऽवटेषु शेरते तेभ्यः सर्पेभ्यो नमः॥ इद (गुं) सर्पेभ्यो हविरस्तु जुष्टम्। आश्रेषा येषामनुयन्ति चेतः। ये अन्तरिक्षं पृथिवीं क्षियन्ति ते नः सर्पासो हवमागमिष्टाः॥ ये रोचने सुर्यस्यापि सर्पाः। ये दिवं देवीमनु संचरन्ति। येषामाश्रेषा अनुयन्ति कामम्। तेभ्यः सर्पेभ्यो मधुमज्जुहोमि॥ निघृष्वैरसमायुतैः। कालैर् हरित्वमापन्नैः। इन्द्रायाहि सहस्रयुक्॥ अग्निर्विभ्राष्टवसनः। वायुश्श्वेतसिकद्रुकः। संवथ्सरो विषूर्वणः। नित्यास्तेऽनुचराचरास्तव॥ सुब्र्ह्मण्यो(गुं) सुब्र्ह्मण्यो(गुं) सुब्र्ह्मण्योम्॥ ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः॥ Music courtesy: looperman-l-3794785-0238905-808-mafia-indian-strings 

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