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Shani. twelve Bhavas

Effects,Saturn, Shani. twelve Bhavas,vedic chart

Effects,Saturn, Shani. twelve Bhavas,vedic chart

शास्त्रो के अनुसार भोजन बनाना, रसोई साफ रखना है अत्यन्त महत्वपूर्ण ,

नोटः  इस लेख में सत्य नाम के कटु रस का प्रयोग किया गया है अतः जिन महानुभावों को सत्य से आपत्ती हो उनसे सविनय निवेदन है कि इस लेख को न पढें ।

आजकल की भागती दौडती जिंदगी में बहुत से लोग भोजन बनाने को व स्वयं के घर को साफ रखने को गले की फांस से ज्यादा कुछ नहीं समझते । उनके अनुसार इसका कारण है सम्याभाव, परन्तु यह सत्य नहीं है, वरना ऐसे कैसे हो सकता है, कि कुछ लोग अपने बच्चों को दूध देना तो भूल जाते हैं, परन्तु नौ बजे वाला सीरियल नहीं भूलते ।  हकीकत यह है कि आजकल के लोग अत्यन्त आलसी व स्वार्थी हैं । समय पर नहीं उठते, परन्तु पूछने पर कहते हैं की दूधवाला जल्दी आ धमकता है, बच्चों की वैन जल्दी आ जाती है आदि आदि । सत्य तो यह है कि यदी एक दिन बाई ना आऐ, या वाशिंग मशीन खराब हो जाए, या फिर किसी सोप औपेरा को देखते हुए लाईट चली जाए, तो शायद कुछ गृहणियां तो आत्मघात पर उतर आँऐ ।

शास्त्रो के अनुसार भोजन बनाना अत्यन्त महत्वपूर्ण क्रिया है, क्यौंकि भोजन शरीर के भीतर जाकर केवल शरीर को ही पुष्ट नहीं करता , अपितु आत्मा व मानसिक विचारों को भी बदल देता है । जब कोई व्यक्ती बिना स्नान किए, उद्वेलित मन से, कुत्सित विचारों के साथ, अशुद्ध शरीर के साथ भोजन बनाता है, तो उसके इस कार्य का बुरा असर पूरे परीवार पर पडता है । उस घर में बच्चे आलसी व बिमार रहते हैं, उनका मानसिक स्वास्थय बिगड जाता है, तथा घर में आए दिन कलहपूर्ण वातावरण रहता है । एक वास्तविक घटना में एक स्त्री ने अत्यन्त क्रोध में जब अपने बच्चे को दूध पिलाया तो उस बच्चे की तबीयत बिगड गयी । इसलिए भोजन बनाते समय मन शांत रहना व क्रोध से दूर रहना अत्यन्त आवश्यक है ।

आज आप जिस व्यत्ती से बात करें, वह यही कहता मिलेगा, समय नहीं है, भूल गया, ध्यान नहीं रहा आदि आदि । मजेदार बात है कि ये लोग वट्स अप, फेसबुक पर स्टेटस अपडेट करना नहीं भूलते, कौनसा सिरियल कब आएगा यह नहीं भूलते, पुरुष क्रिकट का स्कोर नहीं भूलते, स्त्रियां किट्टी पार्टी का समय नहीं भूलतीं, किस स्त्री ने किस रंग की साडी पहनी  है यह नहीं भूलतीं पर बूढे मां बाप के भोजन का समय याद नहीं रहता, किसे समय पर दवा देनी है यह याद नहीं रहता । फोन पर घटों बतिया सकते हैं पर मजाल है कि अपने स्वजनों को फोन कर उनका हाल चाल पूछा हो । आज जो जितना अमहत्वपूर्ण है, उसे सबसे ज्यादा समय मिलता है और जो सबसे महत्वपूर्ण है उसके लिए समय नहीं है । जिंदगी झूंठ पर चल रही है ।

कुडंली में शनि एक ऐसा गृह है जो इस प्रकार के दारुण प्रभाव दिखाता है । शनि को शास्त्रों में मन्दः कहा गया है।

मन्दोलसः कपिलदृक, कुशदीर्घगात्रः स्थूलद्विजः पुरुषरोम कचोऽनिलात्मा

शनि प्रधान व्यक्ती आलसी,दुबला तथा वात प्रकृति का होता है । इसकी दृष्टी पिंगल वर्ण की, अवयव लम्बे, दाँत बडे और केश रुक्ष होते हैं ।

शनी व राहु इत्यादि गृह जातक को आलसी व हठबुद्धी बनाते हैं ।shani_graha

Saturn is slow and hence Lazy. He is lazy so creates uncleanliness. He is the harbinger of diseases because uncleanliness brings diseases. He is adamant by nature and so the person having a negative Saturn will be very hard headed and adamant. He is good in observation but the observation is limited to critical appraisal of others.

कुडंली में अलग अलग स्थान पर इन ग्रहों का अलग अलग प्रभाव पडता है ।

Effects,Saturn, Shani. twelve Bhavas,vedic chart

Only bad effects are explained below. This is done in order to understand the problems a person may carry and how he/she can rectify the same by correcting themselves.

First House: According to Mantreshwar, kalyanvarma and Jayadeva the first house Saturn makes a person poor. That person is diseased, is always unclean and lazy. This does not apply to Saturn in Makar, Kumbha and Tula Rashi.

Explanation and other interpretations: First house is you yourself. It is correlated to the rising sign in eastern direction and it carries the seeds of our previous karmas. It is the house which tells us about the conditions of birth and the upasutikas. It tells us about the mind of a person.

Saturn in Aries, Leo, cancer, Scorpio (In first house) etc creates a person who is dumb, lazy and unclean. He is cruel by deeds and is devoid of siblings. His spouse is elderly looking and his career has lots of ups and downs. His hairs turn grey before age and he has the ability to conspire against others. His constitution is weak and is prone to diseases. When Saturn is here one should try to control adamancy.

Note: Mars can mitigate the effects of Saturn by joining or aspect. Saturn does not give the same results in other signs. Retrogression of Saturn will change the results as well.

Second house:

गर्ग मतः काष्टांगाराल्लोहधनः कुकार्याद्धनसंचयः । नीचविध्यानुरक्तश्च ।।

Rishi Prashara, Vashishtha and Vridhayavanjataka has similar views.

Explanation and other interpretations:

Second house is the house which represents speech, face, speaking ability, immediate relatives, wealth and basic education. Saturn in bad signs slows down your earning. Such a person earns wealth in later age. It creates defects in eyes if it is retrograde. It can make a person dumb and the person will hesitate to speak in open. He will love to live in isolation and will avoid his relatives. His basic education will be hindered because of one or another reason.

He will travel to foreign country in future. He will suffer from accidents and misunderstandings. His daily earnings will see lots of ups and downs. He might not coordinate well with his mother if moon is afflicted as well. Saturn here will bring maturity to facial features.

Note: Mars can mitigate the effects of Saturn by joining or aspect. Saturn does not give the same results in other signs. Retrogression of Saturn will change the results as well.

Third House:

This is a rik Bhavah and Saturn is a darun gruha. It is happy in this place but will not allow younger siblings. Such a person is shatbuddhi, cruel and carries technical know-how. He progresses very fast and employs demonic methods for progress. His/her father will have earlier maturity and he will suffer on account of progeny. His progeny will be delayed and he will waste his income in sinful deeds. Such a person carries loose morals if Rahu afflicts the fifth house or Moon. Venus Rahu combination in this placements results in characterless person.

This person will be valorous and will take risks. He will have illegible handwriting if Venus is afflicted. He progresses by visiting foreign lands.

Such a person carries hidden desire to rule others.

He may suffer on account of his spouse and his/her own adamancy.

Note: Mars can mitigate the effects of Saturn by joining or aspect. Saturn does not give the same results in other signs. Retrogression of Saturn will change the results as well.


Fourth House:

Saturn here destroys good prospects of formal education. Such person will be born late according to number of his/her siblings or will have an overly mature mother. He will visit foreign countries and will see lots of ups and downs in career. He will destroy enemies and will recover early from diseases despite of carrying a weaker constitution. He will have earlier maturity and will be cruel to some extent.

This person rises well when he helps others without having second thoughts for personal gains. Such a person can become a politician if Mars conjoins this Saturn and Sun and Moon are well placed. Granthas tell us that the person is sometimes devoid of a mother and he is devoid of happiness.

Note: Mars can mitigate the effects of Saturn by joining or aspect. Saturn does not give the same results in other signs. Retrogression of Saturn in this case creates worst effects.

Fifth House:

Saturn gives worst effects over here. Such a person is purely dumb, criticizes others and carries an overly adamant attitude. Such a person is lazy, loves sleeping and will have lesser or no progeny.

He is jadmati, durbuddhi and carries a mature spouse. His friends are less and he always faces problems in accumulation of wealth.

Such a person suffers on accounts of wealth and finances.

According to Narayan Bhatta Such a person suffers on account of progeny. He carries a defunct attitude and does not believe in religion and carries problems of stomach.

Such person have liking for antiques and old places and if Saturn is severely afflicted then his/her children (If born) sometimes suffers from pretabadha.

Note: Mars can mitigate the effects of Saturn by joining or aspect. Saturn does not give the same results in other signs. Retrogression of Saturn changes the effects as well.

Sixth House:

Saturn in sixth house removes the enemies of a person. He suffers from lower class and servants. His carrier is service oriented and he may suffer from accidents. Loans help in increasing fortune and court cases dissolve easily if Saturn is not afflicted.

Such a person spends money on useless means and he may suffer from over burden of hospital bills as well. He will have lesser siblings and will carry hidden means to prosper. Such a person is cruel to his servants and suffers on account of cruel progeny. He might get alone in old age and has to take more births on mortal earth.

His hidden agendas amongst his colleagues can create problems in future and such a person should avoid mistreatments of his/her servants.

Mars in eighth house leads to problems with younger siblings and the person might have to face fatal accidents as well.

Note: Mars can mitigate the effects of Saturn by joining or aspect. Saturn does not give the same results in other signs. Retrogression of Saturn changes the effects as well.


Seventh house:

The spouse will be aged or will appear mature from appearance. Marriage will be delayed. His dressing sense is not good and he suffers from diseases. According to Rishi Parashara the person suffers on account of woman. Rishi Vashishta says that the spouse of the person will be ill-mannered.

According to Garg, the person is a fraud and his wife dies at an early age. He is wicked in behavior.

The above dictums arise out of the specifications shown by seventh house. According to Drishti or aspect the person is unfortunate, suffers from an ailing spouse, will have difference of opinion with mother and will wander at far off places. He might have differences with father as well. As the seventh aspect falls on ascendant the person will be unclean and will wear rugged kind of clothing. He often carries a beard.

Acharya Bhrigu says that the person is amorous and seeks persons of opposite sex

(According to legends Saturn is an eunuch and so I have doubts for this sloka. This can only happen when Saturn is placed in Libra) Venus aggravates the same if it placed with Saturn in the seventh house.

Note: Mars can mitigate the effects of Saturn by joining or aspect. Saturn does not give the same results in other signs. Retrogression of Saturn changes the effects as well.


Eight House

Ayushkarka shani in eighth house causes problems with age. If ascendant lord, eighth house lord, Saturn and Moon are placed in sthira signs then longevity is decreased to alpaayu.

The person suffers from diseases, will have problems in early marriage and the earnings will be late. The fortune smiles at later stages in life. The career will be unstable and child birth will be delayed as well. The person may suffer from Vayu rogas, will have some kind of intuition power as well.

Mars and Moon can change the condition over here and the position in other signs also changes the conditions as well.

According to Sage bhrigu the earnings of this person will be very hard earned and he will take longer time to progress.

If other planets are fine and Moon Joins the Saturn in D-9 with Mars in debilitation, or when Moon, Mars and Saturn are in aspect, then the person is a Mathadeesh.

Note: Mars can mitigate the effects of Saturn by joining or aspect. Saturn does not give the same results in other signs. Retrogression of Saturn changes the effects as well.

Ninth House

Saturn in the ninth house produces different results according to different scholars. There is a strong difference in their opinions regarding Saturn’s placement in the ninth house. If we go through technical understanding, then Saturn’s placement in ninth house will bring good share of ups and downs in life. The person will be devoid of a younger sibling and his father will be workless when he grows up. He will have material gains from illicit work. The person will be courageous but will use courage to do wrong deeds only. He will have many good and strong enemies but he will curb them with force.

He will have good progress if he goes to foreign nations.

Retro Saturn over here will create superb bad effects as retro position will put in eighth house as well. His mother will suffer from vata rogas. He is a slow riser and is prone to earning through cheating. His next birth will be troublesome if he does not mend his habits.

Note: Mars can mitigate the effects of Saturn by joining or aspect. Saturn does not give the same results in other signs. Retrogression of Saturn creates more bad effects over here.

Tenth House

The person deeds are anti-social if Saturn is placed in a Krura rashi. The career will be slow and he will lead people according to position of Saturn. His marriage will be delayed and the spouse will be sickly. He will spend money on wasteful things and will have to travel to other places.

He will not be happy with his home and will be devoid of motherly love. The person will perform deeds with cruelty even if Saturn is placed in good signs except of Pisces. Such a person is not truth and is deceitful. He will suffer in next birth. The mother of his spouse will suffer from vata rogas.

Saturn here can create Sanyas yoga if placed in Pisces.

Whether good or bad Saturn here forces a person to cheat others. A person of this order should not be trusted if other yogas support the same. Rahu in this house creates the same and similar yogas except the person sees a material rise.

Note: Mars can mitigate the effects of Saturn by joining or aspect. Saturn does not give the same results in other signs. Retrogression of Saturn changes the effects as well.

Eleventh House

Saturn is good for material gains over here but the wealth arrives in a very slow manner. This wealth will be stable. The person will be dumb headed and staunch in attitude.

Such a person is wicked by nature and is very slow in understanding anything. Such a person is lazy, timid and weak by nature. He gets sickly and suffers from vata roga. He has lesser number of friends and most of his friends are over aged or appear mature.

If kendras are devoid of shubh grahas and person is born in Krishna paksha, moon is devoid of rashmibala and under cruel influence then the person’s longevity is decreased. Such people suffer from Vata rogas and rheumatism. Child birth is delayed and the elderly child is dumb if there are bad signs in fifth house.

Saturn in 5/11 axis is not good considering that it affects the antardrishti of a person. The person should avoid staunches otherwise Saturn punishes the person in a harsh manner.

Note: Mars can mitigate the effects of Saturn by joining or aspect. Saturn does not give the same results in other signs. Retrogression of Saturn changes the effects as well.

Twelfth House

According to classics Saturn’s placement over here makes a person cruel. He is shameless and a spindrift. According to Kalyan Verma the eyes of such a person will not have equal size. Technically, Saturn destroys the enemies over here. The income will be slow and asset making process will be slow as well.

Such a person has lesser loans and is devoid of a good fortune. He has to work hard to achieve success.

A person having Saturn in twelfth house will love wandering and will have enmity with his relatives. According to mantraeshwar he suffers from “heenanga” (Suffers from defect in a body part).

According to me, Saturn here devoid one of bed pleasures, he has acute insomnia and he can be a sanyasi if the yogas support the same.

Note: Mars can mitigate the effects of Saturn by joining or aspect. Saturn does not give the same results in other signs. Retrogression of Saturn changes the effects as well.
I have just shared all the bad effects of this planet. One needs to understand that Saturn is karmkarka. He himself is not bad but punishes a person according to his deeds. He is mandah so he can observe your deeds in a precise way. One should try to avoid bad deeds to come out of the grip of Saturn.


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