Product Information
Product code: aqr-1-1-5 Categories: JYOTISH ANALYSIS / REPORTS, Single Prashna ReportRS 2,100.00
Please read this section completely before you order anything.
Ask a Prasna Report -Single Prasna for Finance/money problems/funds related issue/debts
It is a WRITTEN report which carries analysis through prashna and natal chart. It defines the reasons for problems or obstructions in finance. It will not detail the future predictions as that is done through different reports like finance report for two years. It just finds out the invisible problems and obstructions in finance etc, the reasons for regular expenditures, sudden losses or debts etc. and finds out the root causes and points to exact remedies for the same.
It is a written report.
Understanding the Praśna Jyotisha Report
Please refrain from messaing and sharing background or anything. I do not prefer talking, because it is the lowest form of conversation. Anyone lacking a basic understanding and knowledge, or who is suffering from malefic powers, often loves to talk, or put many informal questions. If you are one of them, it is a request to leave this website immediately. This mode of consultancy is clear and precise and requires zero contact and no answers will be required later because everything is mentioned in clear precise words. Talking, endless questions and conversation will leave me no choice but to block you from contact lists and support.
There are no questions for the truest of the people, all questions get answers within themselves. However lack of devotion for God will lead to questions, blabbering and endless discussions. The true seeker remains silent because loudness is opposite to contemplation. There are no questions for the truest of the seekers, all questions get answers within themselves.
Your talking and informal conversation causes regular flaws in reading so, please read everything very carefully before you order this report.
Every written report is to the point and precise, with REMEDIES what is not mentioned need not be done and what is mentioned as remedy needs to be followed properly. Please do not share your personal stories and happenings in life. It has no use for a true astrologer in fact it causes faults in true readings. The jyotiśa reading requires not be involved in any emotional matter of the seekers and answer the questions with pure analysis. Also remember that jyotiśa analysis or reading is not an informal conversation or chit chat, it is better to be precise and concentrate on your questions and put them with reverence and in precise manner. Avoid all kind of informal conversation because it will cause problems in analysis.
If the mind of the astrologer is steady and fixed and the queries are all humble and devout, then the reading will be correct and the answers to all the questions will be invariably true. Vedic astrology is known as Jyotiśa or the light of divine. It has many branches and we follow the oriental tradition of the meeting between divine in me and you. I play the role of answerer and the questioner in you plays the role of questioner. The divine in both of us solves the issues. Most of the people believe that astrology is all math and calculations, but Jyotiśa is not just maths and calculations. It is a divine science, and it really works for those who follow it with truth and divinity.
Process of ordering the Jyotisha Report
You should first pay respect to your Preceptor and the divine before you order this report. This is not a phone consultation so you cannot call me on my phone for this question. The report will be emailed in PDF format. You should first select an auspicious lunar day or a favourable time. You should order the report in the early hours of morning (Your time). You should ask this question (Praśna) with a reverential approach.
My personal belief is that the you should be honest with your question. You should have a strong faith that your problems will be answered in a thorough manner. I do no answer questions when the query will not be genuine or it lacks any effort from your side. I do not answer questions after Sunset. (My time).
If you are thinking of ordering this report, then you need to follow the approach as well. You should not ask the query in a casual manner. You should be anxious to know about yourself and you should follow a proper approach for the question. You should first seek blessings from your Preceptor or the Primordial energy. That energy will help me to help you. I am just a clear channel and I can only channelize things when the querist initiates them properly. If you will be genuine and clear, only then you will be able to get a clear picture through me. I am just a mirror; you can reflect anything you want.
Please note that phone consultation report is different and is available in the Jyotish Reports section of the Store.
Process of analyzing the prashna of questioner
This is a very sophisticated divine process and it tells us about hidden things which cannot be seen otherwise. This Praśna is based on Vedic Praśna system. The deities are invoked before every Praśna much as is done in Astamanglya Praśna. The planets are invoked before every question and they are requested to reside in pattam.
This is not an ordinary process and certainly not meant for ordinary questions. This process is highly sophisticated and requires a long time to understand. Even the seasoned astrologers will not be able to understand it, until and unless they have done some spiritual penance for long time. Please note that this process does not cater to what people consider or believe but it actually caters to what is going to happen devoid of any submissive thoughts towards their wishes or aspirations. It is not just math, but also a divine interaction where the divine in Ḍaivagya answers the divine in Pṛcchaka or questioner. Sometimes, the divine may refuse to answer the question in which case the pṛcchaka has to forgive about the question.
The answers and remedy will be sent by email.
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Time taken / Where to share the data (For jyotish Reports)🦜
Two/ Three days or more depending on report (Some reports take 15 days or more). Life reports/kula-ḍevtha report/iṣṭha ḍevtha report/time correction etc. takes more time (15 days or more). It depends on work at hand. (There is no hard and fast rule). I usually do it at the earliest possible time. This does not include Saturdays, Sundays (meant of Vastu classes) and ekadashi.
Please WhatsApp your Birth details & Praśna to +919799333666 (Do note that email. Email responses are very slow and may delay the report)
Or mail it to enquiry at the rate of
Payment method: 🦜
You can use neft, paypal or upi codes
You can Use any of the upi codes mentioned below
UPI Handles – 🦜
1- alokjagawat@barodampay
PAYPAL 🦜 Requires checkout through website as Paypal adds lots of charges.
Bank: Bank of Baroda
Account Number: 29 11 02 00 00 09 46
IFSC code: BARB0MALJAI (It is zero)
Branch Code: MALJAI
MICR code: 302012018
SWIFT code bbbbus3m489
Address : Malviya Nagar branch, Jaipur
Pin code: 302017
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